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  Nobscot 2011 HR Evolution Airfare Scholarship

Nobscot 2011 HR Evolution Airfare Scholarship Competition
Win Free Airfare!

To Enter:
1. Write a post on one of the three topics listed below.
2. Post it on your own blog.*
3. Include the required entry notification listed below on your blog post.
4. Paste a copy of your post into the below entry form.

* If you don't have a blog, send to Ben Eubanks ( for posting on the HR Evolution blog.

Topics (choose one)

1. In what ways can new technology help HR evolve to have an even greater impact on business success?

2. How can using technology for exit interviews, new hire surveys or mentoring program administration make these HR processes/activities more successful than handling manually?

3. Get Creative - Describe HR in the year 2050! (Fictional story format acceptable.)

Required entry notification:

This is [author-name]'s entry into the 2011 Nobscot HR Evolution Scholarship Competition. Nobscot Corporation is an HR technology company specializing in key areas of employee retention including exit interviews, onboarding surveys, and corporate mentoring programs.

Nobscot 2011 HR Evolution Airfare Scholarship Entry Form

Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Airport Location: *
Airport Code (if known):
Link to your post: *
Paste a copy of your post here. *
All entries will be reviewed by the Nobscot Corporation 2011 HREvolution Scholarship committee.
Entries must be received by February 28, 2011. Up to 3 winners will be selected.
Selection will be based on originality, intuitiveness and generally good thinking!
Winners announced on March 11th, 2011.

Scholarship includes airfare up to $500 for travel within North America and up to $1000 for international travel.

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