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Nobscot Corporation Press Articles

Recent press coverage of Nobscot Corporation. Click here for Nobscot press releases and here for Nobscot press archives.

Publication Article Mentoring to Remedy Workplace Bullying of Millennials March 4, 2014
"My boss is picking on me," is a commonly heard phrase by employees around the world. Does it constitute as workplace bullying? Maybe, if "picking on me" means that the manager has yelled at the employee in front of his or her colleagues for the past month in staff meetings. Maybe not, if "picking on me" means that the manager asked the employee to work late to correctly complete customer work orders the employee has done erroneously for the entire quarter despite coaching efforts.
Mentoring to Remedy Workplace Bullying of Millennials
Human Resources Management Transfer Employees as Best Source of Feedback February 5, 2014
Employees who transfer within a company are often the best source of internal feedback—and given the right outlet can provide honest and concrete data of what prompted their move. Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corporation says transfer employees may love the com­pany but not the boss and their experience provides important information for managers.
Transfer Employees as Best Source of Feedback
Huffington Post Job Hunting in College: Expectations Vs. Reality January 23, 2014
"I really enjoyed my time at Oberlin and I felt like I was learning, but I wasn't progressing towards a job at the end of graduation," said Ned Lindau, a 2011 graduate from Oberlin College in Ohio. He noted that his liberal arts education focused on students exploring subjects that they were interested in learning, not the practicality of a job after college.
Job Hunting in College: Expectations Vs. Reality
IT Business Edge Tracking Employee Turnover: There’s Finally an App for That January 23, 2014
Companies tend to do a lot of hand-wringing over employee retention as they strive to minimize the negative financial and operational impact of employee turnover. Their employee retention efforts often involve some sort of benchmarking process, to give them some sense of how their turnover rates compare to those of other comparable companies.
Tracking Employee Turnover: There’s Finally an App for That
The Modesto Bee WorkWise: Overconfidence in your Job Search December 20, 2013
Confidence without arrogance can sideswipe a job search. You might be an expert in your field. You might have an excellent network. You might be skilled at job hunting. For these reasons, you might not recognize the problem.
WorkWise: Overconfidence in your Job Search 5 Key Training Trends for the New Year December 18, 2013
What should trainers expect to see in 2014? Laura DiFlorio and Kerrie Main, regional sales directors for Nobscot Corporation ( identified these five trends for the coming year for BLR.
5 Key Training Trends for the New Year
Forbes In the Battle to Keep Their Best Employees, Leaders Need to Know What Really Matters December 14, 2013
It might seem odd at a time when middle-class parents across the industrialised world are almost united in a fear that their children will never gain jobs to match their expensively-acquired educations. But one of the biggest issues confronting corporate leaders is how to hang on to valued employees.
In the Battle to Keep Their Best Employees, Leaders Need to Know What Really Matters
Project Eve How Mentoring Helps Jump Start Second Careers November 7, 2013
As the Communications Manager for Mentor Scout, one of my responsibilities is participating on the judging panel for the annual Mentor of the Year award recipient. What I’ve learned from this process is that mentorships can truly be life-changing events, in which both the mentors and mentees benefit. I’ve also seen how much a mentorship can help mentees start and thrive in their second careers.
How Mentoring Helps Jump Start Second Careers
Training Magazine Job Hopping No Longer a Dirty Word October 16, 2013
Employee loyalty is dead. Job hopping now is widely accepted (sometimes even encouraged), and it’s turning into an expensive problem for organizations. It wasn’t always this way—but in today’s business world, Gen X and Y employees—the majority of the workforce—feel no guilt in moving from job to job, and they don’t feel obligated to stay at their organizations for the long haul.
Job Hopping No Longer a Dirty Word
Customer Service Newsletter Are “Quick Quits” Inflating Your Service Staff’s Turnover Rate? October 1, 2013
Turnover has always been a problem for many customer service organizations and call centers, and one area in which it can be a significant problem is among new hires.
Are “Quick Quits” Inflating Your Service Staff’s Turnover Rate?
Employment Crossing How to Be a Good Manager: What We Learned September 18, 2013
Here is what we've learned about being a good manager (and how to avoid being a bad one!) from exit interview data.
How to Be a Good Manager: What We Learned
HRO Today Growth Opportunity – Leverage feedback from exiting employees to find problems—and solve them September 1, 2013
While business leaders understand the importance of collecting employee feedback, many are not getting the return on investment for their efforts. In fact, many organizations make several common mistakes when it comes to properly collecting and executing on employee data.
Growth Opportunity – Leverage feedback from exiting employees to find problems—and solve them Ask the Trainer: How Does Training Millennials Differ from Training Employee from Other Generations? September 2013
“There is a cultural aspect of the times you’ve grown up in,” says Beth N. Carvin, CEO and president of Nobscot Corporation. With Millennials, “it’s just become much faster paced. Whether it’s because of video gamesor the Internet, everything moves faster. “From a training perspective, we have to be aware that we need to keep things very fast paced and active. You can’t really just put people in a classroom and say, ‘We’re going to do training,’” Carvin says.
How Does Training Millennials Differ from Training Employee from Other Generations?
Managing Your HR Tips for Energizing Meetings and Engaging Millennials August 22, 2013
The only thing worse than leading a "bonding" staff meeting is leading one for millennials. According to Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot, with each sigh and eye roll, managers feel defeated by this hipster, always on the move, generation. Fortunately, there are training solutions out there that truly appeal to this generation. The key to engaging millennials in training is understanding this generation’s learning style and developing a new approach to fit it.
Tips for Energizing Meetings and Engaging Millennials
Computer World Mentoring, from both sides August 12, 2013
Judy Novak and Jennifer Allen, a Vice President of Finance and a Program Manager at Xerox, talk about mentoring from both sides.
Mentoring, from both sides
Fast Company The Trayvon Martin Effect and Managing Race Issues in the Workplace August 1, 2013
No matter what side you stand on, the recent Trayvon Martin verdict put U.S. race relations in the national spotlight. While the facts of the case are hotly debated, the one thing that both sides agree upon is that George Zimmerman thought that Trayvon Martin was a “suspicious person” before the events that ended in the fatal shooting. While no one truly knows why Zimmerman assumed that Martin was suspicious--maybe it was his attire, maybe because of recent crimes in the neighborhood, maybe it was Trayvon’s age, maybe it was his demeanor--the truth of the matter is that humans make assumptions about others, and they are often based on race.
The Trayvon Martin Effect and Managing Race Issues in the Workplace
The Paradigm Staffing Blog How to Benefit from Employee Feedback July 17, 2013
It’s surprising the number of companies who collect employee feedback -- through surveys, exit interviews, and in-depth conversations -- but don’t really use this data to make changes. The point of gathering this insightful data should be to improve the company and its processes, and yet many HR managers simply shove the comment cards into a file and never look at them again.
How to Benefit from Employee Feedback
Diversity Executive When It Comes to Mentoring, Does Gender Matter? June 24, 2013
While mentoring is beneficial for both men and women — individuals in mentoring relationships typically have increased promotions, salaries and job satisfaction — gender differences in mentor pairings can affect the mentoring relationship and its outcome.
Diversity Executive: When It Comes to Mentoring, Does Gender Matter?
SmartBlog on Leadership Tips from Mentor Scout’s Mentors of the Year May 16, 2013
Mentoring can be a difficult relationship to navigate for both mentors and mentees, but there are several steps that participants can take to ensure that they get the most out of the relationship. Finalists for Mentor Scout‘s Mentor of the Year award recently talked with Nobscot CEO Beth N. Carvin about some things to keep in mind when working on establishing a good mentoring relationship.
Tips from Mentor Scout’s Mentors of the Year How Do We Build Loyalty in New Employees May 1, 2013
Dear Help Me Make It Happen: Starting a new job can be a nerve-wracking experience for employees. A new-hire mentoring program can really help ease new employees' fears and provide them with an additional resource to build a strong early connection to your company.
How Do We Build Loyalty in New Employees
thought LEADERS How to Improve Your Life Through Mentoring Programs April 24, 2013
If you’ve been looking for ways to develop further on your career path or simply want to find a way to give back to your organization, joining a mentoring program is a great idea! Mentoring programs, essential components of training and development programs, provide opportunities for shared growth for both mentors and mentees.
How to Improve Your Life Through Mentoring Programs
SHRM Using Exit Interviews to Prevent Disaster April 5, 2013
Current and former employees have the information that could prevent accidents and disasters and it’s up to HR to gather it and help solve the problems that could lead to catastrophe, according to Beth Carvin, an expert on employee retention and the use of exit interviews.
Using Exit Interviews to Prevent Disaster
PR Newswire SilkRoad Teams with Nobscot to Offer New Hire Surveys to RedCarpet Customers April 9, 2013
SilkRoad, a leading global provider of cloud-based social talent management software, today announced a partnership with HR survey/analytics authority Nobscot Corporation designed to combine the power of SilkRoad's RedCarpet® HR onboarding system with Nobscot's automated FirstDays new hire/quality of hire surveys to help companies optimize their HR and recruitment policies and procedures.
Nobscot Partnership with SilkRoad Professional Mentorship: A Look into the Xerox Women's Alliance April 4, 2013
We all know the value in having a personal mentor and the same holds true for our professional lives. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on now and then, right? Document management company Xerox Corporation would answer yes to that question, and the women at the corporation are offering just that.
Professional Mentorship: A Look into the Xerox Women's Alliance Stop the Bleeding: Healthcare Employers Focus on Employee Turnover March 4, 2013
"Employee turnover is coming." Those three words strike fear in the hearts of healthcare managers everywhere. And Beth Carvin says that in 2013, employee turnover will be the inevitable trend.
Stop the Bleeding: Healthcare Employers Focus on Employee Turnover
Woman Engineer Magazine "Breaking Up" With Your Mentor Winter 2012/2013
Unlike marriages or other permanent commitments, mentorships are relationships designed to help junior employees establish and achieve career goals, and they do not last forever.
"Breaking Up" With Your Mentor
PR News Wire Mentor Scout Announces 2012 Mentor of the Year Award Recipients February 6, 2013
Mentor Scout division announced today that four accomplished professionals have been chosen as the winner and honorable mentions of the 2012 Mentor of the Year Award. Samantha Stovall, a Program Manager at UTC Aerospace Systems, has been named the 2012 Mentor of the Year.
2012 Mentor of The Year
2012 Mentor of The Year - Details
Mobilizer Maximize Mobile Workers’ Potential: Mentor Them February 5, 2013
Mentoring is great for office-based employees, but it is especially powerful for mobile team members, argues one HR expert. “The biggest misconception is that relationships can not flourish without meeting in-person,” says Beth N. Carvin, an expert on mentoring and CEO of Nobscot Corporation.
Maximize Mobile Workers’ Potential: Mentor Them
CNN Money Do you have time to be a mentor? January 31, 2013
Some managers who have squeezed mentoring into their already-packed schedules say they get as much out of it as mentees do.
Do you have time to be a mentor?
Knowledge@Wharton Passed Over for a Promotion? How Companies Can Retain the Runner-up January 30, 2013
Losing out on a promotion is tough enough. But being passed over for a top-level position in favor of another candidate -- either external or internal -- can be a deal breaker for even the most loyal company soldiers.
Passed Over for a Promotion? How Companies Can Retain the Runner-up
Great Leadership How Employee Feedback May Have Prevented Deadly Meningitis Outbreak December 27, 2012
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been 590 cases and 37 deaths across 19 states caused from an outbreak of fungal meningitis among patients who received contaminated steroid injections. So what can be done to avoid situations like this? And how can executives in other companies and organizations prevent such a costly tragedy?
How Employee Feedback May Have Prevented Deadly Meningitis Outbreak
ASHHRA eNewsBrief The First Year of an Online Exit Interview Program in Healthcare December 12, 2012
The healthcare industry is very competitive, which can be both a blessing and a curse for HR executives responsible for recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals.

INTEGRIS Health knew that exit interview systems are proven strategic tools that allow organizations to gain insight into why their quality employees were leaving, so they can make the necessary changes to retain them. This organization was also aware that healthcare organizations have to work harder than other companies in other industries to retain good workers. However, their previous method was not effective, and in 2011, they knew it was time to make a change. Below is their story about how they’ve begun to tackle their retention issues, and how they can be a model for other healthcare organizations with the same goal.
The First Year of an Online Exit Interview Program in Healthcare
U.S. News and World Report Reasons You Should Never Ever Discuss Politics at Work November 2, 2012
According to In These Times magazine, 45,000 mailers were sent to employees of Georgia Pacific, warning them of the consequences they could face for voting for a particular candidate in the upcoming presidential election. Although it might seem like an extreme case, the manufacturing company isn't the only employer that reportedly sent out pointers to staff regarding how to vote on November 6.
Reasons You Should Never Ever Discuss Politics at Work
The Bottom Line News Women still fighting to break glass ceiling October, 2012
Accountants may come in all sizes, shapes, colours, and sexes, but senior accountants do not, according to a new report from the American Society of Women Accountants. While the profession in Canada may be faring better than its counterpart in the U.S. in developing diverse workforces, there are still significant gains to be made in helping women make it to the helm.
Women still fighting to break glass ceiling
Talent Management Think Exit Interviews Are Pointless? You’re Missing Out September 28, 2012
Despite common myths, exit interviews can prove to be quite a useful tool to gather data and make improvements - if used wisely.
Think Exit Interviews Are Pointless? You’re Missing Out
Computer World Breaking up with a mentor with class and grace September 24, 2012
When a relationship has run its course, the end must be handled professionally. Mentorships aren't meant to last forever. Their purpose is to help junior employees establish goals and move forward in their career paths. Here are some tips to ending a mentorship professionally.
Breaking up with a mentor with class and grace
The Wall Street Journal Didn’t Get a Promotion? May 16, 2012
After working for two years at ConAgra Foods in Oklahoma City, Crystal Bayliss felt like she'd hit a dead end in the customer-service department. "I enjoyed working on the team that I was on but felt I'd mastered that role and was looking for the next challenge," says Ms. Bayliss, who thought she could leverage her retail-management background to ascend into a supervisory role.
Didn’t Get a Promotion?
Accounting Today Greater Diversity Needed at Accounting Firms August 6, 2012
Recent studies by the American Society of Women Accountants and Howard University’s Center for Accounting Education found that even when accounting firms hire women and minorities, many of them drop out due to a lack of support that hinders further advancement. Nobscot Corporation CEO Beth N. Carvin believes that accounting firms can be doing much more to improve their diversity efforts and increase retention rates among female and minority employees.
Greater Diversity Needed at Accounting Firms
University Business Picture Perfect July 18, 2012
Managing the employment lifecycle with talent management software.

In 2010, Nobscot Corp. added a new component to its cloud-based software, called Quality of Hire, that focuses on surveying supervisors of new hires to gain information about how to retain them, explains Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot. She says the same data can also be used for diversity initiatives or auditing the recruitment process.
Quality of Hire Surveys
Training Magazine Early Warning Strategy for At-Risk Diversity Hires July 17, 2012
It has been almost 50 years since Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination in the workplace, yet women and people of color continue to face challenges in receiving equal treatment on the job. New hire surveys can identify problems before they escalate.
Early Warning Strategy for At-Risk Diversity Hires
Diversity Executive Use New Hire Surveys to Retain Diverse Employees June 25, 2012
Organizations can avoid much of the uncertainty of retaining high-potential diverse employees by using new hire surveys to keep them engaged from the start.
Use New Hire Surveys to Retain Diverse Employees
Talent Management Four Ways to Use Data From Exit Interviews June 19, 2012
Exit interviews don’t just provide a voice for departing or disgruntled workers. They can be productive.
Four Ways to Use Data From Exit Interviews
Career Builder Afraid of Losing Your Best Employees? Five Ways to Win Them Back Now Before Its Too Late June 4, 2012
“Employers have to not only work on keeping and satisfying their employees, but keeping them engaged on a day-to-day basis,” says Laura DiFlorio, a regional director with HR software company Nobscot Corporation, where she specializes in best practices for retention management.
Afraid of Losing Your Best Employees? Five Ways to Win Them Back Now Before Its Too Late
Workforce Magazine How Corporate Mentoring Can Work For Your Company May 16, 2012
Covance Inc is among the companies using software to help employees and mentors connect. The program Mentor Scout enables pairings based on mutual professional interests.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Mentor Match
The Modesto Bee WorkWise: Technology’s Presence in Professionalism April 22, 2012
Interview on Mentoring with Beth N. Carvin

Technology has been too new to the workplace to be considered in relation to professionalism. Today, however, attitudes toward it are emerging as indicators of professionalism or the lack of it.
WorkWise: Technology’s Presence in Professionalism
SmartBlog on Leadership How Corporate Mentoring Can Work For Your Company April 13, 2012
Interview on Mentoring with Beth N. Carvin

Today with technology, HR and learning and development managers can offer both specialty-type mentoring programs such as those for high-potential employees, diversity networks and new hires, plus general mentoring programs so all employees can participate.
How Corporate Mentoring Can Work For Your Company
HRWebAdvisor Keeping Your Workplace Politically Neutral February 14, 2012
A wise person once said that political debate and the workplace don’t mix well. This year’s primary contests and Presidential election campaigns are proving that truth once again. Politics can stir up much emotion and ignite fierce debates among colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates. These debates might easily take a nasty turn and, in some cases, so thoroughly polarize employees that they can no longer work together effectively.
Keeping Your Workplace Politically Neutral
HR Voice Attention on Retention February 10, 2012
HR Voice interviews Beth N. Carvin. As a nationally recognized expert on employee retention and exit interviews, what have been the recent trends with regards to voluntary turnover and young talent? Young talent definitely poses a retention challenge.
Attention on Retention
Talent Management Don’t Let New Hires Walk Out the Door January 12, 2012
Administering assessments early in employees’ tenures can ensure they’re put in the right place and stay there — boosting retention and performance.
Don’t Let New Hires Walk Out the Door
Success Magazine How To: Develop a Mentorship Program January 9, 2012
Guidance from an effective mentor can be rewarding professionally and personally for both the mentor and mentee. On the professional front alone, one JPMorgan Chase survey of the bank’s mentoring program found that 87 percent of protégés reported significant career advancement as a result of the program. But what does it take to create a successful mentorship program—whether one aimed at employees or one aimed at the community?
How To: Develop a Mentorship Program
Training Forum Automated Mentoring Saves Time, Thousands of Dollars June 6, 2011
Human resources professionals at Covance used to spend "hundreds and hundreds of hours of administrative time" manually matching mentees and mentors. By shifting to an automated mentoring system in 2009, covance (, an international drug development company, achieved annual savings of $113,000 ($377 per participant).
Automated Mentoring Saves Time, Thousands of Dollars (archived pdf)
Human Resources Management Tips and Trends Exit Interviews Can also Reveal Good June 1, 2011
Many HR professionals use exit interviews as a way to identify and articulate why employees are leaving to help reduce employee turnover. What many HR professionals overlook is a chance to identify areas that ARE working in the organization.
Exit Interviews Can also Reveal Good (archived pdf)
Canadian HR Reporter HRIA’s virtual mentorship program eliminates geographical boundaries
320 members involved enjoy flexibility, sharing experiences.
April 27, 2011
The HRIA’s mentorship program was launched in mid-November 2010 and has 320 members with 120 mentor-protegé relationships. Through online software Mentor Scout, members upload a personal profile, answer a series of questions and are appropriately matched to either a mentor or a protegé, said Nora Molina, executive director at HRIA.
HRIA’s virtual mentorship program eliminates geographical boundaries (Archived pdf)
Employee Benefit News Mentor Scout: for Mentors May 1, 2011
Covance Inc. uses MentorScout to computerize its mentoring program using online system to match employee mentors, mentees; achieves employee satisfaction, relieves HR burden, and saves 75% over manual method.
Mentor Scout: for Mentors
HRIA Virtual Mentorships HRIA Virtual Mentorships
Regional HR Group Forms Nearly 100 Mentoring Relationships in 1 Month with Mentor Scout's Automated Mentor Matching System
April 28, 2011
In the first month of a new mentoring initiative, members of the Human Resources Institute of Alberta (HRIA) established nearly 100 mentoring relationships by using the self-service mentor/mentee matching capabilities of Mentor Scout's online mentoring support system.
HRIA Virtual Mentorships
Birmingham Business Journal Exit Insights
Common mistakes and benefits of exit interviews.
April 8, 2011
Interview with Laura DiFlorio, Nobscot Corporation.
Exit Insights: Common mistakes and benefits of exit interviews
Human Resources Executive Listening to New Kids on the Block
leader sentence
April 2011
Newly hired employees can be your best resource for improving the onboarding process. Surveying new hires can provide companies with data to pinpoint and eliminate problem areas and improve efficiency.
Listening to New Kids on the Block
Talent Management Turning Exits into Insights March 2011
Exit interviews are not about the individual. We're not trying to save that individual. We're trying to take that information and improve the organization for everybody else.
Turning Exits into Insights
Talent Management What Do Employees Think? Just Ask. February 2011
Turnover costs are one of the largest controllable expenses incurred by organizations, and communication in early employment is crucial to develop a healthy relationship and maintain commitment from newly acquired talent.
What Do Employees Think? Just Ask. New Hire Surveys Maintain Talent Commitment (Archived pdf)
Industrial & Commercial Training The Hows and Whys of Group Mentoring February 2011
This paper seeks to examine the methodologies for developing a group mentoring component as an add-on to an existing or new corporate mentoring program.
The Hows and Whys of Group Mentoring (pdf) Tap Into The Power of Mentoring
How to Make Mentoring a Win for Employees, Mentors, and Employers
January 2011
An interview with Beth N. Carvin, CEO Nobscot Corporation. How to make mentoring a win for employees, mentors, and employers.
Tap Into The Power of Mentoring
Training Magazine Techno-Power Your Mentoring Program
When to consider using technology in your mentoring programs.
December 1, 2010
Corporate mentoring programs can require a significant amount of time to manage, but with the help of technology, administration burdens can be reduced to an easily managed level, says Beth N. Carvin, CEO and president of Nobscot Corporation, a seller of mentoring technology under its Mentor Scout division.
Techno-Power Your Mentoring Program New-Hire Surveys Help Audit Recruiting, Onboarding Processes October 25, 2010
Many employers are using new-hire surveys to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of their recruiting and onboarding processes and thus improve retention of new-hires and increase time to productivity, says human resources expert Beth N. Carvin.
New-Hire Surveys Help Audit Recruiting Nobscot Best Practices In HR (pdf)
Wall Street Journal What (Not) to Say in an Exit Interview October 22, 2010
If you could say anything to your ex-boss as you walked out the door on your last day, what would it be?

Just about anything, based on actual answers to online exit-interview surveys by Nobscot, a maker of exit interview software.
Managing Remote Employees
SHRM Magazine Stay Connected to Ensure Off-Site Employees Remain Engaged Sep 17, 2010
How can managers support their off-site employees to help them overcome the inevitable isolation they sometimes feel working remotely, and to help them remain engaged team players? First, hire people who are self-starters, strong communicators and team-oriented. Next, establish early connections and team activities, beginning with the onboarding process. Following are some additional recommendations... Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corporation, writes on how best to manage remote employees.
Managing Remote Employees
The Oklahoman Research proves exit interviews are productive Aug 15, 2010
Nobscot's Raquel Frazier talks with the Oklahoma News about exit interviews.
Research proves exit interviews are productive
The Training Industry Quarterly Mentoring Mistakes: 10 Program Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them July 28, 2010
The corporate landscape is littered with mentoring programs that have died on the vine. Management fails to rally behind the project. Mentors decline to sign on or don't know how to proceed if they do. Ill matched mentor-mentee relationships evaporate. Program administration becomes overwhelming. Yet all of these problems are avoidable.
Mentoring Mistakes: 10 Program Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them - Full Article
American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) Group Mentoring: Keys to Success July 28, 2010
Is the increasingly popular strategy of group mentoring right for your organization?
Group Mentoring: Keys to Success - Podcast
Group Mentoring: Keys to Success - Full Article
Group Mentoring Group Mentoring Support Now Available in Mentor Scout May 17, 2010
In a major expansion of its widely adopted Web-based mentor/mentee matching and administration platform for corporate mentoring programs, Mentor Scout today announced the addition of a new suite of tools designed to nurture group mentoring initiatives. The Mentor Scout upgrade features new self-service tools to facilitate mentoring group formation and communication as well as administrator enhancements for group oversight, expanding the spectrum of mentoring activities that can be managed with the software.
Group Mentoring - Full Article
Nobscot Scholarship Nobscot Leads HR Social Media Evolution with Inaugural HRevolution Scholarship Awards May 5, 2010
Company Sponsors Career Enhancement Opportunity for Two HR Professionals with Travel Stipend to Attend HRevolution 2010 "Unconference".

Nobscot Corporation, a leading provider of online human resources (HR) software tools and services, today announced that two leading human resource professionals have been chosen as the inaugural recipients of a Nobscot scholarship to attend the HRevolution 2010 "unconference" on May 7 at Chicago's Catalyst Ranch.
Full Article
Canadian HR Reporter Ten Tips for HR to Retain Leadership Over Technology Purchases February 8, 2010
Technology mandates come not only from senior management but from information technology departments. HR vendors often find it easier to sell to those who are familiar with technology but not to the HR functions the technology supports. To minimize the risk of being asked to implement a program that is doomed from the start, HR needs to maintain a leadership role in all technology purchases that directly affect HR functions.

The following 10 tips from Nobscot Corporation's CEO, Beth N. Carvin, will help ensure HR plays a starring role in all HR technology purchasing decisions. learned.
Full Article (pdf)
Training Magazine Resolving Employee Complaints Before They Hit the Internet January 25, 2010
These days, some of the most respected businesses in the world are finding themselves pilloried on the Internet by their own employees. Websites such as carry posts calling one Fortune 500 "the most abusive company I ever worked for," and another a place where workers will be "kicked like a dog." Hundreds of other companies are being skewered in the same way.
Full Article (at Training Magazine) Full Article (Archived Copy)
SHRM HR Magazine Getting The Last Word January 1, 2010
Terrence F. Shea of HR Magazine interviews Beth N. Carvin on Best Practices in Exit Interviewing.
Full Article (pdf)
The Globe and Mail Irritated employees head for the door November 16, 2009
The conventional wisdom is that people quit companies because of their boss. But after studying more than three million exit interview responses, consultant Beth Carvin says employees leave because of irritations. Some of the most common are limited growth or advancement opportunities, inadequate training, unreasonable workload, dislike of the type of work, perception of unfairness, unreasonable procedures, sexual harassment, perceived discrimination, difficult colleagues, lack of quality products or services, and discomfort with organizational ethics. Canadian HR Reporter
The Globe and Mail: Irritated employees head for the door
HR Marketer Podcast Interview With Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corporation November 12, 2009
Our latest podcast features an interview with Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corporation, a global technology firm that focuses on key areas of employee retention and development. WebExit, Nobscot's Exit Interview Management System, provides an efficient method to identify the specific issues and irritations that are causing employee turnover in your organization.
Listen To Podcast Here
Entrepreneur Magazine Who Needs a Mentor? You Do.
Someone who's been there, done that can offer invaluable insight.
September 3, 2009
If you're an entrepreneur, it's likely you would benefit from having a mentor, suggests mentoring expert Beth Carvin, president and CEO of HR consulting firm Nobscot Corp.
A successful woman entrepreneur has probably faced some of the obstacles you're encountering. She's learned what worked and what didn't work and can pass her advice along. "Why reinvent the wheel?" Carvin asks.
Full Article (at Entrepreneur Magazine) Full Article (Archived Copy)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Work Zone: Mentor can see clearly to help in job search Monday, July 20, 2009
Most people think of a mentor as someone who helps them in their early 20s, guiding them toward a path that will help their careers.
Full Article (at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) Full Article (Archived Copy)
Wall Street Journal Finding Anchors in the Storm: Mentors January 27, 2009
Without as many opportunities mentoring becomes a more strategic avenue for career development.
Full Article
Wall Street Journal Ways to Make the Most of a Negative Job ReviewJanuary 13, 2009
Giving negative feedback can be stressful for a manager. Listen to and acknowledge what your manager is saying, regardless of whether you agree with the comments. "The worst thing you can do is to make excuses or put the blame on someone else," says Beth N. Carvin, CEO and President of Nobscot Corporation.
Full Article
T+D (Training + Development) Magazine The Great Mentor MatchJanuary, 2009
Xerox’s Women’s Alliance cracks the code on successful mentor programs.
Every large organization faces a challenge in facilitating career development for diversity and affinity groups. Mentoring is a logical strategy, but mentor recruitment and mentor-mentee matching are often too unwieldy and time-consuming for a volunteer effort in a large company.
Full Article at ASTD (.htm) Full Article (.pdf)
Listen to the Great Mentor Match podcast: The Great Mentor Match Podcast
Globe and Mail Tough love for tough timesOctober 8, 2008
As job concerns spread, blunt honesty, and much appreciation, can go a long way toward getting shell-shocked staff back on track. Full Article (at Globe and Mail)
Chain Store Age Magazine Mentoring Programs Branching into Focused TractsOctober 2, 2008
Mentoring programs, once embraced as a general initiative to polish employee performance and boost morale, are now sprouting specialty niches. "Today, we are starting to see multiple mentoring programs for different goals and objectives," said Beth Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corporation. Full Article (.pdf)
Workplace News Magazine (.pdf) Mentorship: Learning from those in the knowJuly/August 2008
Nobscot's Mentor Scout Mentoring Program assists Xerox Women and newcomers to chart career path. Full Article (.pdf)
New York Post SOME CORPORATE COUNSELJuly 28, 2008

An ever-growing number of junior employees are getting a similar leg up, through a rising number of corporate programs designed to pair female, minority or gay or lesbian employees with similar mentors. Beth Carvin of Nobscot Corporation, which offers software that allows employees to find a suitable mentor by filling out an online profile, says she's fielding "a huge demand for mentoring programs with midsize and large organizations." Full Article (at NY Post)
FirstDays for New Hires FirstDays for New Hires
Nobscot's New 'FirstDays' Aids Retention & Onboarding of New Hires
June 30, 2008
Online Survey/Reporting Tool Helps Flag Problems, Identify Recruiting Weaknesses.
FirstDays for New Hires
Post Gazette Work Zone: Layoffs spur emotions in those left on the jobJune 30, 2008
Beth N. Carvin, the president of Nobscot Corp., a Honolulu-based human relations firm, said layoffs also cost companies, which usually is why they are a last resort option.

The first factor in deciding about layoffs and who has to lose their jobs should be to determine how it can be done fairly, she said. If every woman and every member of a minority is let go, leaving no one but the white men behind, the process will not only be viewed as unfair by those the people who lost their jobs, but also may open up the company to lawsuits. Ms. Carvin said the mistake many companies make is to focus so much on the people who are losing their jobs that they forget about the employees left behind. Full Article (at Post Gazette)
Chain Store Age Nobscot Offers Tool to Gauge Downsizing ImpactJuly 5, 2008
Nobscot Corporation, a developer of exit-interview management software, has created RIF Manager, a program to assess the overall impact of personnel cutbacks. The Web-based survey measures departing employee attitudes, survivor morale and more, according to the company. It also includes a "rebound recruiting" feature in the event some positions are later restored. Full Article (at Chain Store Age)
Associated Press - pdf Economy limping along, leading indicators showJune 19, 2008
The economy, hobbled by higher fuel and food prices, tighter credit and a depressed housing market, is limping along at a snail's pace, a private business group said Thursday.
Beth N. Carvin, CEO of Honolulu-based Nobscot Corp., a human resources software maker, said the company's business remains steady, but its customers are worried about their employees.
"Employees are stopping contributions to their 401(k) plans out of pure desperation," she said. "Normally, a human resources person would encourage them to save, remind them of the company match. Now, with everything so expensive, what can they say?" Full Article (.pdf)
Human Resource Executive Magazine Best Practices in MentoringJune 2, 2008
Here are 12 steps for starting and managing a successful corporate mentoring program by Nobscot Corporation CEO Beth N. Carvin. Full Article (at Human Resource Executive)
Human Resource Executive Magazine Pivotal EmployeesJune 2, 2008
"One of the biggest mistakes that we make in HR is assuming that everybody wants growth," says Beth Carvin, president and CEO of Nobscot Corp., a Kailua, Hi.-based HR software firm. "Many employees love the work that they do and they don't want to grow. They just want to be treated in a manner that is consistent with the contributions they're making to the organization." Full Article (at Human Resource Executive)
Training Magazine - New Products Section - RIF Manager Layoff Recovery ToolMay 28, 2008
Nobscot Corporation released RIF Manager, a Web-based survey and reporting tool designed to assist companies in recovering from downsizing, or "reductions in force (RIF)." The product combines automated exit interviews, surveys of surviving employees, risk assessment, a severance calculator, and other capabilities intended to help organizations deal with the repercussions of layoffs. Full Article (at Training Magazine)
New York Post Social NetworkingApril 14, 2008

With social networking sites booming in popularity, especially among the younger set, the corporate world is following suit, creating internal networks for employees modeled on Web communities like MySpace and Facebook. "It has to be a managed program," says Carvin. "If you take a MySpace and just slap it into a corporation, you'll get people slacking off." Full Article (at New York Post)
Human Resource Executive Magazine Top Ten HR Products: Mentor Scout Talent Networking EditionOctober 2, 2007
Top Ten HR Products: Mentor Scout Talent Networking Edition uses personal profiles and interactive information exchange as a way to facilitate employee communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing and recognition.

Why We Like It: Kudos to Mentor Scout for building a solution that engages all workers, but especially millennials, in collaboration and knowledge-sharing processes. Full Article
HR Reporter Before You Go, Click HereAugust 9, 2006
SaskTel explores web-based exit interviews to get a clearer picture about why employees leave.

A recent audit at Regina-based telecommunications company SaskTel revealed it wasn't making the most of its exit interview process, a key component of its employee retention strategy. For several years, the company used a web-based survey to conduct its exit interviews to understand why employees leave one department for another or leave the company completely. Full Article (at HR Reporter)
New York Times What to Tell the Company as You Walk Out the DoorNovember 27, 2005
Q. What purpose do exit interviews serve?
A. They aren't mandatory, but it's generally a good idea to participate if asked. For employees, the meetings can provide closure for their tenure at a company. For employers, they can help unearth facts about the workplace environment. Beth Carvin, chief executive of Nobscot, a human resources software company in Honolulu, says the best companies use this information to improve the workplace for those who remain.
If employees are forthright in exit interviews, she said, "what they say can and will have bearing on what happens at that company down the road." Full Article (at NYTimes)
Stores Magazine Home Schooling - Web Based Program Helps Home Depot Match Employees With MentorsNovember 2005
Mentoring has long been a popular way for retailers to instill loyalty and increase retention among employees. Now at Home Depot and other retailers, this long-standing tradition has met the internet. By using Mentor Scout, a web-based system developed by Nobscot Corp., Home Depot is able to automate the process of matching up mentors with those who want to learn. Full Article (JPG)
ABA Banking Journal Making An Informed ExitOctober 2005
Reducing high employee turnover is a challenge for most banks. But to keep good employees, financial services organizations need to know the reasons employees are leaving so they can make appropriate changes to their policies and operations. Full Article
Phoenix Business Journal Exit interviews help employers fine tune workplaceJul 11, 2005
"Companies have tried to use spread- sheets, create graphs, and it's time-consuming. They end up not doing them," Carvin said. "Today, retention is such a big issue. When the Internet came about, it created this huge opportunity for human resources people to start to improve some of their processes."

With Nobscot's WebExit, employees can take the exit interview online, either anonymously or by identifying themselves. The data goes into a series of reports, complete with graphs and trends. Full Article
HR Innovator Magazine Goodbye and AlohaJune 2005
Hawaii's Beth Carvin and Bruce Daly saw a need for a mentoring software program that would build on the success of their exit-interview system - and thus reduce the need for exit interviews. Now, Best Buy, Brunswick, and Home Depot swear by it. Full Article (PDF)
Reality HR: Sedgwick Claims Management - Case StudyMay 30, 2005
Ric recently spoke with's Michael Moretti about a very effective, yet little known crucial tool in the battle against turnover: Exit Interviews. Full Article Exit InterviewsMay 20, 2005
The exit interview may be conducted through a variety of methods. Some of the methods include: in-person, over the telephone, on paper, and through the Internet such as with Nobscot’s WebExit. Full Article
IOMA Compensation & Benefits for Law Offices New-Style Exit Interviews Claim to Reduce TurnoverMay 2005
Many law firm professionals believe exit interviews provide invaluable information that can help them craft effective recruitment and retention strategies. Full Article
IOMA Human Resource Department Report How New Style Exit Interviews Can Help You Reduce TurnoverApr 2005
Employee retention is now a priority at even the highest levels of management. In fact, retention of key workers took the number-one spot (87% of respondents) among the top three business success factors for 2005 in a recent survey. Full Article
Bank Technology News HR Management: Hated Working Here? Log On And Vent.Apr 2005
Firms like Union Planters, Fifth Third and Provident are using a product that automates exit interviews. Far from being viewed as impersonal, employees seem to like it.

In the relentless pursuit of efficiency, a company called Nobscot Corp. is trying to help companies reap the benefits of an area that's been long-ignored but that can produce a treasure trove of usable information: the exit interview. And it's found takers in a handful of banks, including Fifth Third.

The company's flagship product, called WebExit, has seen revenues increase 50 percent a year since the company was founded in January 2001, says founder and CEO Beth Carvin. She declined to provide exact revenue numbers.

Most companies do not approach exit interviews efficiently, Carvin says. Historically, HR departments treated them as specific, one-off events and failed to detect patterns or carefully analyze the information they gleaned. But technology can change all that. "It's the absolute perfect process to automate," Carvin says. Full Article
Fast Company Preparing for the new world of the online exit interview.Apr 2005
At companies such as T-Mobile, Campbell Soup, and Conair, employees complete an online questionnaire in the days before -- or even after -- leaving the company. Once an employee decides to quit (or is fired), corporate HR alerts Nobscot Corp., which sends the employee an email link to its 45-question online survey, known as WebExit. Nobscot aggregates the results to show companies trends in why people are leaving. Full Article
Insurance and Technology Turnover TurnaroundMar 18, 2005
Even though Noridian Mutual Insurance Co.'s 11.5 percent employee turnover rate is below the 12.2 percent industry average, company officials wanted to improve the retention of its 2,000 employees. "We want to be the employer of choice in Fargo," says Pam Lawrence, assistant vice president of human relations for the carrier. "Employee retention is important to maintaining a productive company." Full Article
Computer World Online service seeks to reduce head count churn by pinpointing why workers quit.Mar 14, 2005
WebExit is an exit-interview service designed for large companies -- many of which "find it nearly impossible to interview departing employees and then compile and track the data," claims Beth Carvin, CEO of Nobscot Corp., the Kailua, Hawaii-based developer of WebExit. Exit-interview information is primarily entered into paper forms, she says, and the typical human resources administrator "just pushes them aside."

Ric Heimke agrees. He's vice president and national director of staffing at Sedgwick Claims Management Services Inc., a Memphis-based administrator of insurance claims. Before Heimke started applying insights gleaned from WebExit, annual turnover at his 4,000-person company was in "the mid-20% range," he says.

But since Sedgwick began using WebExit two years ago, the turnover rate has dropped to about 16%. Heimke says it costs Sedgwick one-third of an employee's annual salary to train a new worker, so the savings from improved worker retention have been "huge." Looking at the data, Heimke has also been able to identify problems such as understaffing, training gaps and manager miscues and then apply remedies. Full Article
Industry Week Exit Interview Solution Conquers Language BarrierMar 11, 2005
One of the things companies may overlook when going global is how to perform an exit interview in another language. Long known to provide valuable information aimed at improving employee issues, an exit interview shouldn't be cast aside because of a language barrier. Full Article
HR Hub Nobscot's WebExit System Goes GlobalMar 8, 2005
The new version of WebExit includes a more robust database, improved security features, and an optional language module that supports more than 15 languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Full Article
HR Magazine (SHRM) Employee FeedbackMar 5, 2005
Nobscot Corp. has launched an online software tool called WebExit, which offers employers a new and innovative way to conduct employee exit interviews. The web-based software tool provides employers with a self-service option to gather crucial feedback from employees whenever they leave the organization. The software automatically compiles, tracks and analyzes the results and can provide employers with a new feedback source that can get honest answers to tough questions. The self-service option for exit interviews also can increase employee participation, ease the HR department’s workload and provide valuable insight about the organization. Full Article
California Job Journal Exit Interviews Go OnlineFeb 27, 2005
The exit interview, a time-honored tradition, is undergoing some dramatic change. Until now, a company executive sat down with departing employees to quiz them on the reasons for their departure. The face-to-face nature of the interview, however, often inhibited the exiting worker. Enter the age of the Internet and a new product called WebExit, which allows employees to answer questions online. Full Article
Wall Street Journal Out With A BangJan 20, 2005
Beth Carvin designed software to help employers compile findings from exit interviews with their departing workers. Full Article
International Herald Tribune Now tell me, online, why you're quittingJan 8, 2005
Boston Globe Article Reprint. Full Article
Boston Globe Online Exit InterviewsJan 2, 2005
Job hoppers who want employers to know the real reason they're resigning are filling out exit interview surveys online. The practice allows them to tell human resources staff how they feel without participating in face-to-face exit interviews. Full Article

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